Wanted: more homes, Fewer agents

74% of REALTORS® in the U.S. who sell residential real estate think there are too many residential agents in their area, while 70% believe there are too few homes for sale.

Not working 9-to-5, but working hard

Two thirds of REALTORS® consider flexible hours an attractive aspect of being a real estate agent, the top answer for what you like best about the job. 即便如此, 14% of residential specialists and 21% of commercial specialists work at least 60 hours per week.

You’re probably a people-person

The two most important skills for success in real estate are people skills and self-motivation, according to a survey of current REALTORS®. 在列表的最后? Only 14% of respondents consider completion of higher education important.

来源:NAR的 2017 Choosing a Career in Real Estate: A Perspective on Gender, Race, Ethnicity