德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®: What are the most important decisions you have made as a leader?

Vicki Fullerton, immediate past chairman: 让自己周围充满美好, 合格的人, 然后确定其他人的领导素质,并要求他们参与进来.

秘书/司库Cindi Bulla: I’ve learned the leadership advancement process is integral. 对一些人来说,这是令人沮丧的,因为它进展缓慢,但你会从每一步中学到一些东西. The person elected at the local level becomes your voice at the next level, and so on.

当选主席特雷·贝茨: 参与. I came into this as a commercial practitioner, with that real myopic focus. The decision to get involved in local board leadership, 或者在州一级, has been such a huge enhancement to my personal growth, 我的职业生涯, 我的网络, 以及我对这个行业的了解.

Where do you go for advice or information?

托盘: I go to my key people who I know will give me unfiltered advice. Cultivating those key people around you is important for anyone in a leadership role. 我也会关注一些最新的出版物,并尽可能多地阅读.

薇琪: 我对我的一些导师和其他与我一路相伴、有着同样经历的人充满信心. You rely on their judgment because they will shoot straight with you, 这是我评价的关键.

辛迪: When you volunteer, you serve with other volunteers, and those are the givers. 你和聪明的人肩并肩,他们收集信息并与他人分享. Vetted sources of good, accurate information are at your fingertips.

首席执行官/总裁特拉维斯•凯斯勒: 我们在德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人领导力项目中有一个练习,我们要求参与者思考他们认为有效的领导者,并考虑领导者是如何取得成功的. Use those traits to model your own leadership style.


辛迪: I didn’t go in search of 导师; they found me. 前任TAR主席布鲁克•亨特(Brooke Hunt)和莱斯利•罗达•史密斯(Leslie Rouda Smith)总是说,领导的主要工作之一就是找到自己的继任者. I was fortunate enough to encounter people who identified and encouraged me. 我保留了这些导师,他们仍然是我可以信任的人,他们会对我诚实. 他们是你需要的人,让你脚踏实地,确保你专注于任务.

我有一个地方协会的主管,他在强有力的领导和执行管理之间取得了完美的平衡, making sure the member was responsible for bringing in the ideology and mission. 阿马里洛2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®协会执行Denise Price从一开始就帮助我理解了我和她的角色,这使得每一次旅程都变得更加容易.

托盘: I am still close to many of the 导师 I started out with. And as I grew into leadership roles, I developed new 导师. It was my 导师 who approached me about getting involved in leadership at TAR. 周围有很多有才华的人,你可以在协会的各个层面上发展友谊和关系.

薇琪: As your experience broadens, so does your circle of 导师. You pull in people from different aspects while still maintaining the core group.

特拉维斯: I look for 导师 who run effective meetings. I also look for 导师 I think are good speakers. … Find a mentor you can trust who will give you honest answers. 我们也都需要我们信任的导师,他们在某些领域知识渊博,因为我们自己不可能知道所有的事情. 拥有可靠的有影响力的导师也能提高你有效传播信息的能力.


辛迪: 我在阿马里洛的第一份工作是在储蓄和贷款部门工作,当时银行业已经在走下坡路. 我没有这个职位所需的经验. 当我去面试的时候, 新上任的首席执行官告诉我,她被雇来是要和公司一起完蛋的——雇她的人以为她不知道这件事, but she did—and she was hiring me for the same reason. 她说, “我知道你没有任何经验, but we can either come out of this like heroes or we’re no worse off if it fails.我说:“你知道吗?? 听起来是个挑战.”

特拉维斯: The best boss I’ve ever had has been the REALTOR® organization. I’ve only worked for the REALTOR® organization my entire career. 大学毕业后,我加入了TAR,成为CEO是我一生的追求和愿望. 在TAR工作的早期,我学到的第一课就是尊重别人,别人也会尊重你. The second was that if you surround yourself with effective people, you’ll grow personally and professionally. The third lesson was to always go beyond expectations. All this came from early bosses in the REALTOR® organization.

托盘: Earlier in 我的职业生涯 I worked for a group called CMD Realty Investors in Dallas, 我的老板是鲍勃·吉本斯. 他认可了我的才能,并允许我运用它们来实现愿景和目标. I was able to excel there and become a top producer. I’m a third-generation real estate broker, 这段经历帮助我决定是时候回家了,把我所学到的东西带给我的家人.

薇琪: Back in my corporate days at Northern National Gas Company, 我被聘为项目协调员和水上运动总监,为我们公司开发一个女性健身和水上运动项目. And when I talked to my boss, Bob Gaita, I asked what his expectations were. 他说利用我的经验,开发一个员工和他们的家人可以使用的程序. 除此之外,它是我的. 他信任我. When I wanted to expand a program, he’d say, “Go ahead; show me what you’re going to do.” He had confidence that I was going to do it.

我离开去了德克萨斯州. 当时, I didn’t know what my next career was going to be, 但我有信心知道,如果我能从零开始,把它发展成一个成熟的项目, 我可以做任何事. 当我在休斯顿找不到健身公司的工作时,2021十大正规彩票app就开始发挥作用了.

Can you remember the piece of advice that has most affected your 业务?

辛迪: 我可以,这是我的导师给我的:2008年TAR主席兰迪·杰弗斯. 我记得我刚开始做生意的时候,被我必须遵守的所有规则搞得不知所措. 兰迪同意规则很重要,但他也说,当有疑问时,就做正确的事. To pretend I am the consumer and do exactly what I would want done. Almost every time you’re going to find that is what the rule said in the first place.

托盘: 在协会级别,始终记住成员,并为成员做正确的事情. At the 业务 level, always do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. 这很简单. 我也跟我的孩子们说过. 这对每个人来说都很好.

薇琪: 我哥哥是达拉斯一家公司商业2021十大正规彩票app法律部门的主管, 他说, “薇琪, I don’t ever want to represent you in a court of law in the state of Texas. 所以不要做律师. Fill in the blanks; answer the questions if you know the answers; if you do not have the answers, 说“我不知道, 我会回复你的.” It has stuck with me, and it has served me well.