新的立法包括对HOA法律的修改, 土地征用权, 财产税透明度, 以及其他与2021十大正规彩票app相关的措施.



当法案通过立法程序时, the association took the opportunity to demonstrate to legislators how needed the reforms are for Texans.

该协会于5月通过电子邮件向所有德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®发起了行动呼吁, providing a convenient way for REALTORS® to urge their representatives to support 参议院第1588号法案.

呼吁对HOA改革采取行动的结果是 超过12500条支持信息-创纪录的高响应!

此外,网站myhoastory.com has been an incredible tool for collecting real-world stories from homeowners and REALTORS® about the challenges they’ve faced with HOAs.

These grassroots stories helped illustrate to legislators the scope of the issues the legislation improves.

The regular session of the 87th Texas Legislature ended May 31 with several REALTOR® victories on behalf of Texas real estate consumers and private property rights.

Thanks to your grassroots advocacy efforts during virtual REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol meetings with lawmakers and your timely response to a call for action, the following REALTOR®-supported bills passed both chambers and were signed into law by the governor.

作者:森. 布莱恩·休斯
赞助商:代表. 克里斯•特纳

这项立法 enhances property rights and ensures Texans have a clear understanding of their communities’ management structures and standard practices. 支持房主的改革包括对转售证书费用设置上限, 增加HOA管理的透明度, 以及保护与居屋协议发生纠纷的业主的附加条款.

作者:森. 罗伊斯西
赞助商:代表. 杰夫利奇

在德克萨斯州的一些社区, real estate deeds were drafted with language that prohibits ownership of the property based on race, color, 宗教, 或者国籍. 虽然这些在几十年前就被认为是违宪的,无法执行的, 删除这些语言的过程既繁琐又复杂.

The new law—also known as The Senator 罗伊斯西 Act—provides a simple option for property owners to remove unconstitutional covenants from their real estate deeds through their county clerk’s office.

作者:代表. 乔Deshotel
赞助商:森. 洛伊斯Kolkhorst

这项立法 makes several changes that make the 土地征用权 process fairer and make property owners more aware of their rights when an entity with 土地征用权 authority seeks to acquire their property.

Condemning entities are already required to provide certain information to property owners. 这项立法 increases transparency by requiring an initial offer to include more information, 包括土地所有者的权利法案, 一项财产评估,包括未被定罪的财产的剩余部分, 还有一份谈判条款清单.

作者:代表. 特伦特阿什比
赞助商:森. 罗伯特·尼克尔斯

这项立法 establishes a new Broadband Development Office that will provide grants for expanding access to broadband in eligible areas, 在其他服务中, 为所有德州人增加可靠和负担得起的宽带互联网接入.

REALTORS® have advocated for dependable and affordable internet access statewide for years. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced this need for access in all markets for increased housing options and educational and economic success.

作者:代表. 把钞票
赞助商:森. 罗伯特·尼克尔斯

这项立法 allows appraisers to perform evaluations without complying with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice when the lending guidelines do not require a full appraisal for a financial transaction.

这项立法 will improve the loan process and overcome the shortage of timely appraisals by providing buyers more options.

作者:代表. 阿曼德机器人瓦力
赞助商:森. 琼·霍夫曼

这项立法 helps Texans be more informed about flood risks before signing leases by requiring landlords to provide a flood disclosure notice that details whether the property is in a 100-year floodplain, 如果房东知道最近有洪水, 以及有关联邦应急管理局洪水地图和租户保险单的信息.


在第87届立法会议上, your association worked hard to educate lawmakers on the negative outcomes these ideas would have for Texas property owners:

  • Opposed bills that sought to prohibit the use of remote online notary and electronic filing options for deed documents
  • 反对立法扩大销售税基础,包括更多应税服务, 比如2021十大正规彩票app经纪.



订阅立法联络电邮通讯 德州realestate.com/liaison. 确保选中复选框,然后单击 保存 按钮位于页面底部.

作者:森. 琼·霍夫曼
赞助商:代表. 克里斯•特纳

这项立法 increases transparency for property owners by requiring condo associations to make the association’s books and records open and available for owners or their representatives.

作者:森. 凯利汉考克
赞助商:代表. 杰夫利奇

这项立法—also known as the Pandemic Liability Protection Act—seeks to ensure small business owners, 像2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®, can continue to provide their essential services during times of crisis with protections from certain claims.

作者:代表. 摩根迈耶
赞助商:森. 保罗·贝当古

A 2019 law required every central appraisal district to have a database where taxpayers can access information about the local tax rates that determine their property tax bills and the elected officials who set the tax rates.

这项立法, 哪一个得到了参众两院的一致支持, creates a simple way for taxpayers to access these databases on one website that will be operational in 2022: 德州.gov / propertytaxes.