什么是美国残疾人法案? 它保护谁呢??

The ADA is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and ensures equal access and services to those individuals. 《2021十大正规彩票app》提供的保护范围很广,涵盖了就业等领域, 公共服务, 公共设施, 和电信.

根据法案, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of a person’s major life activities, 比如照顾自己的能力, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听到, 呼吸, 学习, 或工作. A disability includes all forms of mental disorders, alcoholism, HIV, and previous drug addiction. ADA保护不延长, 然而, to current illegal-drug users or those who pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.


是的. Title III of the ADA prohibits 公共设施 and commercial facilities from discriminating against people with disabilities. 公共设施是私人实体拥有的, 租赁, 租赁,, 或者经营公共场所. Places of public accommodation include nearly every type of establishment that provides goods or services to the general public, 比如2021十大正规彩票app经纪公司, 零售商店, 酒店, 餐厅, 诸如此类. 这甚至可能包括私人住宅内的公共住宿场所. 商业设施为私人所有, 非住宅设施,如办公大楼, 工厂, 或仓库.


美国.S. 司法部通过十大网络彩票平台大全、诉讼和和解协议来执行《2021十大正规彩票app》. The attorney general is tasked with investigating allegations of discrimination and can file a lawsuit when there is a pattern of alleged discrimination or in cases of general public importance. 私人当事人也可以根据《2021十大正规彩票app》提起诉讼. 


被发现违反《2021十大正规彩票app》的一方可能面临强制遵守, 金钱损失, 以及民事处罚. 《2021十大正规彩票app》第三章的法定文本规定民事罚款不得超过50美元,第一次违规者罚款100美元,随后的违规行为. 这些惩罚可以根据通货膨胀进行调整, 然而, and the current maximum civil penalty for violations of Title III of the ADA assessed after May 9, 2022, is $103,第一次违章罚款591美元,罚款207美元,其后违规183元.


2021十大正规彩票app经纪人必须对他们的政策做出合理的修改, 实践, 或确保他们的服务和设施可供残疾人使用的程序. Reasonable modifications include providing auxiliary aids and services at the brokerage’s expense, 如果有必要的话, 满足残疾人士的需要. 辅助人员可能包括口译员, 记笔记, assistive-listening设备, 录音, 或盲文材料.

此外,代理必须在易于实现的情况下消除体系结构障碍. Brokers can do this by considering whether they can take measures to provide access to a customer or client with a disability by installing ramps, 不断扩大的门, 在厕所隔间安装扶手, 或拆除高桩, 低密度的地毯. 如果你不能做到这一点,没有很大的困难或费用, you must provide services through alternative methods; for example, 把会议安排在方便的地点,比如某人的家或办公地点.


美国nited States Department of Justice (DOJ) has held that websites are places of public accommodation requiring ADA compliance. 另一方面,法院对网站是否属于公共场所存在分歧.

Because places of public accommodation include nearly every type of establishment that provides goods or services to the general public, it’s a good idea for brokerage offices to take a proactive approach and contact their website provider or a technical expert to inquire about the accessibility of their websites. 目前还没有规定详细的合规标准, 然而 the DOJ recommends that business websites follow compliance guidelines such as the Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG) and the Section 508 Standards used by the federal government.

A new tenant in my commercial property says I’m responsible for modifications to the structure to make her store compliant under the 美国残疾人法案. 我认为租户应该对店面的变化负责. 谁来做修改?

Under the ADA, both a tenant and owner of a place of public accommodation are subject to compliance. 然而, 这些变化的责任分配可以在您的租约中确定(或协商). 第15C段 商业租赁 (TXR 2101) provides that the party designated in the 租赁 (determined by a check box) to maintain and repair the item must complete and pay the expenses of any governmental-required modification, 包括遵守ADA.

不过, 如果承租人在租约中被指定维护和修理一个项目,而没有这样做, 物业所有者仍可能对店面的违规行为负责. 房东和房客都要对第三方负责.

Are there any 建设 requirements for my client who is purchasing and 重构 an old commercial property?

是的. The ADA Standards for Accessible Design (SAD) apply to newly designed and constructed or altered places of 公共设施 and commercial facilities. Public accommodations and commercial facilities that construct new buildings or alter existing structures must do so in a manner that provides accessibility to people with disabilities. 商业设施包括办公楼, 工厂, 批发设施, 或进行贸易或业务的任何其他地点. An alteration is any change to a place of public accommodation or a commercial facility that affects or could affect the usability of the building or facility. New 建设 or alterations must be made readily accessible unless compliance is virtually impossible.

Throughout the process, your clients should document the steps they take to comply with these laws.


是的. 德州政府法典第469章, 即《建筑障碍法案, and the Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules outline the requirements to ensure that buildings and facilities are accessible to and functional for people with disabilities.

除了, 在设计过程中,德克萨斯州有适用的标准, 建设, 重构, 公共建筑和商业设施的改建. 这些标准被称为德克萨斯无障碍标准(TAS), 哪些适用于建筑物的各个部分, 比如停车场, 饮用喷泉, 电灯开关, 浴室, 和坡道. 德克萨斯州许可和法规部门执行TAS.

除了州法律, 每个地方政府都有权采用和执行自己的建筑规范.


是的. A party found in violation of the Texas requirements can face an administrative penalty that may not exceed $5,每条违规行为每天罚款5万美元. 违规行为每天未被纠正将被视为单独违规.

对违法行为实施行政处罚前, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation must notify a person responsible for the building and allow the person 90 days to bring the building into compliance. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation may extend the 90-day period if circumstances justify the extension.