If Your Real Estate Agent Doesn't Have This Title, Get a New Agent

您的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人是REALTOR®吗? Although some people mistakenly use the two terms intercha...

9 Texas REALTOR® Advocacy Wins in 2019

Texas REALTORS® had an incredible year as the strongest advocates for real estate 消费者 in t...

Use This Form When a Third Party Needs to Guarantee a Lease


Effective 谈判 doesn’t have to be a trade-off between getting the best outcome and being...

Texas REALTORS® Website Earns National Award

你的会员网站zizhanggui.com, earned recognition in the Best Association/Regional 美国职业足球大联盟...

Want Real Estate Infographics For Your Market Area?

People love to know what's going on in their local housing market, and who better to share quick-...


The 法律 Topics Explained video series offers simple explanations of common legal issues in less...

Texas Luxury Home Sales See Healthy Growth

There were 5,149 home sales in Texas in excess of a million dollars between 2018年11月 to Octo...

Here Are the Top TREC 十大网络彩票平台大全 From the Past Year

Negligence, rebate, referral, earnest money, and other sales issues were the highest types of com...


Imagine the sinking feeling you would have if you found out the enormous sum of money you just wi...

Are There 'No-Risk' Areas on Flood Maps?

Everyone lives in an area with some measure of flood risk, according to Gilbert Giron, of the Fed...

Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

Website search engine optimization (SEO) efforts have long been designed around keywords. 你的布...

Nominate Your Local Association for 政府事务 Excellence

The newly christened Lehman Local Board 政府事务 Achievement Award recognizes the loc...

From the 法律 Hotline: What Happens to the Option Fee for 买家 in Backup 职位?

We often get asked about the option fee with a “back-up” contract. 如果买家提交备份 ...

Model Brokerage Policies and Procedures Manual Updated for 2020

Texas REALTORS® legal staff has updated the Model Brokerage Policies and Procedures Manual for 2...

Get Clarity About Flood Risks and Disclosure Requirements

With the recent flood events and updates made by the 德州议会 to the 卖方披露...


People form opinions about you based on all kinds of cues. 如果你不小心,你可能会摔倒...

Would You Tell Prospects What You Don't Offer?

When you're pitching your services to a prospect, you probably focus on the benefits you can prov...

HUD Provides Guidance on Assistance Animal Certificates

美国.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has requested that the Federal Trade C...


Persuasion is part of your job, whether you’re convincing someone to work with you or explainin...

What You Need to Know About Title Insurance

If you haven’t heard about it during your home购买 process yet, you will soon. 标题insuranc...

Register Now for Texas REALTORS® Winter Meeting

Registration for the 2020 Texas REALTORS® Winter Meeting, held February 7 to 11 in Austin, is op...


Whether you're representing 买家 or 卖家, there can sometimes be confusion over what goes wi...