Whether your listing pitches are a casual conversation or a stand-up presentation with a slide deck, 这些2021十大正规彩票app是正确的.


People’s interest in what you’re saying starts dropping the moment you start talking. 跳过介绍. The 卖家 know that you want them to list their house with you; there’s no need to rehash that. 而不是, tell them a relevant story about an interesting past listing or tempt them with a promise to reveal a secret to a successful home sale. 


There’s nothing wrong with having data, 比如可比性, in writing or on a screen for you and the 卖家 to refer to. 然而, they may question whether you know what you’re talking about if you need notes to describe your proposed 市场营销 plan. 


Many presenters simply recap what they said and ask for feedback or questions. You want to do something else, something more powerful that spurs the 卖家 to take action and list with you. You can tell another story that highlights the benefits of working with you. If you teased them at the beginning, deliver on your promise to reveal a secret to 销售 a house. 

Whatever material you choose to include in your listing presentation, always keep the 卖家’ attention in mind and work to engage them throughout.