德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法律部门, with input from the Leasing 和 物业管理 形式 Task Force, 对德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®表格进行了修改, 采用新形式, 移除表单. These changes were proposed February 6 和 are effective today, May 15. 更新后的表格将在 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®空白表格下载页面 和所有我们认可的表格供应商. 下面是所有受影响的表单的摘要. 

Stay tuned for the second phase of updates to leasing 和 property management 形式, 其中包括 物业管理协议住宅租赁.


TXR 2003 住宅租赁申请

  • 标记段落以方便使用
  • Reformatted to allow for easy identification of applicant information
  • Added area to identify co-applicant(s) 和 relationship to applicant
  • 增加短信同意问题
  • 澄清REALTOR®代表和营销问题
  • Clarified vehicles section should include any 和 all 和 added parking disclaimer
  • 在吸烟问题中添加了电子烟
  • 明确授权段落

TXR 2004 动物协议

  • Clarified expectation that assistance animals are still to be reported to l和lord
  • Added bolded note about misrepresentation of assistance animals per Texas Human 资源 Code 121.006
  • 明确对动物的期望
  • Clarified Consideration paragraph to account for various scenarios
  • 改写承租人对财产损害的责任
  • Clarified Default paragraph to include immediate removal of animal

TXR 2006 住宅租赁清单及条件表

  • 为便于使用而重新格式化
  • 将“主卧”改为“主卧”
  • Replaced “drapes, blinds, shutters” with “window coverings” to maximize information provided
  • 在R部分增加了“门钥匙”和“其他”的空白. 键数

TXR 2007 住宅租赁担保

  • Changed “pet” to “animal” for consistency among all 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 形式
  • Clarified that name listed should match what is listed on proof of ID
  • Replaced phones/pager with simply “phone” 和 “alternate phone”
  • 移除身高,体重,头发颜色和眼睛颜色
  • 增加了“与租户的关系”一行

TXR 2014 住宅契约修订

  • 为房东和房客的名字增加了额外的空间
  • 澄清C部分. Occupants; it now states that occupants are amended as follows with both “add” 和 “remove” sections
  • Added instructional note on occupant changes versus tenant changes
  • Switched l和lord 和 tenant information boxes to correspond with signature boxes below

TXR 2015 关于租金淹水披露的附录

  • Added informational notice at top of page for proper form usage

TXR 2016 租户和占用者信息

  • 轻微的格式修改
  • 澄清必须使用法定全名
  • 删除“年龄”空间,因为已经要求出生日期
  • 增加了“ID号码”作为许可证号码的替代选项
  • 删除婚姻状况问题
  • 明确了租户和占用者信息的位置

TXR 2208 迁出通知书

  • Added note for B(2) effective date to ensure compliance with Property Code
  • Moved disclaimers around, added note under B(2) effective date
  • Added note to clarify for alternate means of delivery per Property Code 24.005(f-1)

TXR 2211 有关承租人变更的租约修订

  • 将“宠物”替换为“动物”,以保持所有形式的一致性
  • 澄清B节以说明任何和所有存款

TXR 2216 保证金分项表

  • 将“宠物”替换为“动物”,以保持所有形式的一致性
  • 澄清保证金内容
  • 为“其他”部分增加了额外的空间

TXR 2225 对动物援助请求的回应

  • 将“宠物”替换为“动物”,以保持所有形式的一致性
  • Changed animals “in” the property to animals “on” the property to include all areas of the property
  • Moved l和lord signature line to left for consistency among 形式

TXR 2226 General Information for L和lord Regarding Assistance Animals

  • Added information to definitions of assistance animals for clarity;
  • 将“宠物”替换为“动物”,以保持所有形式的一致性

TXR 2229 因伤亡损失而终止合同的通知

  • Included reasonableness st和ard for removing items from property


TXR 2230 拖欠租金及违反租约通知书

  • Designed to be used by a property manager or l和lord to notify a tenant of the tenant’s financial breach of lease (i.e., 未及时缴纳租金的, 未付租金通知书, or a payment that has been returned unpaid by the institution on which it was drawn). 虽然不是必须的, this form gives the tenant an opportunity to cure the breach 和 is therefore not to be used as a notice terminating tenant’s right to occupy the property. Designed to be used in conjunction with TXR 2208 to satisfy requirements of Texas Property Code Chapter 24.

TXR 2231 非租金违约通知书

  • Designed to be used by property manager or l和lord to notify a tenant of the tenant’s breach of any other provision of the lease (not financial). 虽然不是必须的, this form gives the tenant an opportunity to cure the listed breach 和 is therefore not to be used as a notice terminating tenant’s right to occupy the property. 以满足德州财产法第24章的要求, 此表格应与txr2208一起使用.


TXR 2209 逾期通知或其他违约通知

TXR 2227 COVID-19租赁计划付款协议