As a REALTOR®, you can bring value that other real estate license holders can’t. 你的联系人知道吗? Show them all the advantages and tools exclusive to REALTORS®.

The best data from MarketViewer

Market stats and trends from MarketViewer are the most accurate around. 美国职业足球大联盟 data is compiled and scrubbed for errors, such as mistyped sales prices and duplicate listings. You can download and share infographics and a variety of reports on market areas you define. zizhanggui.com/marketviewer

Professional presentations and more from RPR

Generate custom reports and listing presentations for residential and 商业 clients with REALTORS® Property Resource. RPR provides detailed property information, 比较分析工具, 社区信息, 学校数据, 还有一个移动应用程序. nar弹性分组环.com

130+ 形式 for you and your clients

While TREC promulgates several dozen 合同 and 形式, you get more than 130 additional 合同 and 形式 as a member of 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®. These 合同 and 形式 provide you and your clients a way to document details and reduce risk in residential, 商业, 物业管理, 农场 & ranch, and brokerage activities. zizhanggui.com/2021十大正规彩票app经纪人形式

A standard others don’t uphold

The 道德守则 sets you apart from license holders who aren’t REALTORS®. Let clients and prospects know they can expect a higher standard of behavior and service from you based on your pledge to uphold the Code’s 17 articles and 90 standards of practice. Better yet, share the 道德守则 with them in English or one of 14 translations. nar.2021十大正规彩票app经纪人/about-nar/governing-documents/code-of-ethics/

Advocacy that matters to Texans

REALTOR® advocacy has saved Texans money, 受保护的产权, and improved many facets of property ownership. Examples include measures to strengthen homestead protections, make eminent domain rules fairer, defeat burdensome tax proposals, and prevent overreaches by homeowners associations. zizhanggui.com/getinvolved


REALTORS®也带来访问, 选择, and transparency to 消费者 through the 美国职业足球大联盟 and by offering varied business models. 找到要分享的信息 竞争.2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.